Game အမိုက္စားေလးပါ ကားလည္းၿပိဳင္
သရဲေတြနဲ႔လည္းဖိုက္ အရမ္းမိုက္သဗ် / install လုပ္ပံု
ပထမ ေပးထားတဲ့ download Apkကိုinstall လုပ္ပါ
ပီးမွ ဒုတိယတစ္ခု download data ကို fileထဲက
data folder ပီးရင္ Com.moonshark.routez folder ထဲကို ထည့္ေပးလိုက္ပါ
Install and run the game:
- The installation files to download and install.
- downloading data files and decompress them. Com.moonshark.routez folder in the path of Android / obb copy.
- run the game.
- downloading data files and decompress them. Com.moonshark.routez folder in the path of Android / obb copy.
- run the game.
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Route Z 1.1 Apk
Download NowRoute Z 1.1 data
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